To save us from the above, there are alerts, including:
See More About:
computer virus warnings
trojan warnings

Solutions / Discussions:
A. HUMANS (FRIENDS), MACHINES (BOTS, SPAMS, MALWARE), SEE: My Yahoo IM sends Spam Messages) and Characterizing Botnets from Email Spam
From another site, extract:
Who would do such a thing? The same sort of people who have perpetuated some of the top urban legends such as the claim that Mr. Rogers had a former secret career as a trained assassin, and that ATM users can quickly contact police in the event of an attempted robbery by entering their PIN in reverse. The cyberspace is full of lies disguised as inspiration, political alerts, health warnings, and prayers. Many come complete with enhanced photographs. The ones that are especially ironic are those that state, “Even Snopes has confirmed this,” along with a link to Snopes that attributes it as false. People who forward such emails, obviously do not check the link themselves. (source: To Forward or Not to Forward? By Patti Maguire Armstrong
computer virus warnings
trojan warnings
"Apparently, is an extension of the Koobface worm, which has been running amuck for some time now."
10 Instant Messaging Safety Tips @ Microsoft Security:
1. Never open pictures, download files, or click links in messages from people you don't know.
2. Be careful when you create a screen name.
3. Create a barrier against unwanted instant messaging.
4. Never provide sensitive personal information, such as your credit card numbers or passwords, in an IM conversation.
5. Block unwanted messages.
6. If you decide to meet a stranger that you know only from IM communication, take appropriate safety precautions.
7. Don't send personal or private instant messages at work.
8. If you use a public computer, do not log on automatically.
9. When you're not available to receive messages, be careful how you display this information to other users.
10. Monitor and limit your children's use of IM.
Follow the Golden Rule!! Treat others as you would like to be treated - with respect! ... Think it over before forwarding Forwarded e-mail or Chain e-mails.
More here: "Nightscribe's Advice on forwarding e-mail is condensed to a few simple rules" @ Electronic Chain Letters and Mindless Forwards are SPAM!!
1. Don’t forward anything without editing out all the forwarding >>>> , other email addresses, headers and commentary from all the other forwarders.
2. If you cannot take the time to write a personal comment at the top of your forwarded email to the person you are sending to – then you shouldn’t forward it at all
3. Think carefully about if what you are forwarding will be of value (accurate information — check for hoaxes @, appreciated (something the recipient needs) or humorous (do they have the same sense of humor as you do) to the person on the other side.
4. It should go without saying (But I have to say it because folks do so anyway.) that forwarding of chain letter; regardless how noble the topic may seem, virus warnings or anything that says “forward to everyone you know” simply shouldn’t be forwarded because in most cases it is plain old B.S. (again check before forwarding @
5. If you must forward to more than one person, put your email address in the TO: field and all the others you are sending to in the field to protect their email address from being published to those they do not know.
A Hilarious Mail from a frustrated victim of chain mails
I wanted to thank all my friends and family who have forwarded chain letters to me in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 and continuing it in 2009 also…….
Because of your kindness:
* I stopped drinking Coca Cola after I found out that it’s good for removing toilet stains.
* I stopped going to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infected with AIDS.
* Forwarded hundreds of mails but still waiting for FREE DESKTOP, LAPTOP, CAMERA, CELLPHONE etc….
* I smell like a wet dog since I stopped using deodorants because they cause cancer…
* I don’t leave my car in the parking lot or any other place and sometimes I even have to walk about 7 blocks for fear that someone will drug me with a perfume sample and try to rob me.
* I also stopped answering the phone for fear that they may ask me to dial a stupid number and then I get a phone bill with calls to Uganda, Pakistan, Singapore and Tokyo.
* I also stopped drinking anything out of a Can for fear that I will get sick from the rat faeces and urine.
* When I go to parties, I don’t look at any girl, no matter how hot she is, for fear that she will take me to a hotel, drug me, then take my kidneys and leave me taking a nap in a bathtub full of ice.
* I also donated all my savings to the Amy Bruce account. A sick girl that was about to die in the hospital about 7,000 times… (Poor girl! she’s been 7 since 1993…)
* Still open to help somebody from Nigeria who wants to use my account to transfer his uncle’s property of $ 100 million. So much trustworthy.
* I have forwarded 35 emails to 400 people hoping that Ericsson or Nokia will send me latest mobile phones but those models are also obsolete now.
* Made some Hundred wishes before forwarding those Ganesh , Tirupathi Balaji pics etc… Now most of those ‘Wishes’ are already married (to someone else)
If you do not send this e-mail to at least 11,246 people in the next 10 seconds, a bird will Pee on your head tomorrow by 12:30 PM.
Nothing has happened till now…………………. but who knows. So please forward.
Here is Wisdom of the Wise.
The following information posted by Linn Barringer @ PLEASE don't forward hoax virus warnings:
"And if you expected that "some good luck will befall you if you pass it it on..." think on...
I did what you told me...
I sent the email to 10 people, like you said.
I'm still waiting for that miracle to happen..."
Continue reading
"In a time where digital junk mail can rival the tangible pieces in your mailbox, the practice of clicking ‘forward’ has become the norm. No matter how funny the jokes are or how pressing the matter seems to be, it’s important to ask, “Do I really want to forward this email?” Here are a few things to keep in mind:
If the contents of the email are in any way libelous, offensive, racist, obscene, or inappropriate, your mouse should be racing for the ‘delete’ button. It is much better to verbalize what you heard later than to send it—in writing—in a public format for both obvious professional and legal reasons."
Continue reading the experiences of the wise
But I’ve just come to a conclusion: No introductions anymore. At least no introductions that are initiated by others. Why such a hard stance? Because when I make introductions, I make them strategically, based on a win-win scenario. I decide that X needs to meet Y because it will be great for both of them. But when someone requests an introduction, chances are they’re trying to sell something to the person they want to meet – to my contact – and that makes me a conduit of SPAM. Yes, spam… and you know how I feel about that. continue reading
>>E-mails forwarded by robots (auto mailers or machines), reach your in-box--like it or not, want it or not, even if you block them they manage their route:
Jokes -- cheap, tragic, comic, satire, sensitive, racial, humorous, etc.
Funny thoughts -- kiddish, adult, immature, political, etc.
Educational / informative -- work related, stress related, occupational, etc
Spiritual / Religious -- evangelical, inspirational, motivational, emotional, etc.
Pics / Comics / Cartoons
News - local, regional, global, historic
Audio / Videos / Multimedia
Much more
>>Chain E-Mails and Unnecessary Bulk Mail: Stop the InsanityScam emails
spam e-mails trying to sell you the usual crap like fake Viagra, Cialis, pecker enlargement pills, etc.
phishing e-mails (which are also scams that you don't want), and in rare cases, an attachment containing a virus or a trojan horse. Don't click on any links or open any attachments in any of the e-mails you receive in your catcher account.
more spam / scam / chain emails, bulk email, here:
"Chain e-mails are those that, in the body or subject of the message, asks the recipient to forward the e-mail on to multiple people. Many chain letter e-mails are hoaxes and are often considered to be a security and privacy risk. If the message is forwarded on by a person, it will usually show the names and e-mail addresses of everyone you have sent it to, and possibly the addresses of everyone the last person (from which you received it) also sent it to. The risk is that you do not know if an unscrupulous or malicious person will receive the e-mail with all the e-mail addresses, and what they might choose to do with that list. Many consider chain e-mail to be a type of spam." source:
The Buddha of Wealthcontinue reading here or here and when you are the luckiest (by way of receiving good news, wealth, treasures, etc. etc.,) share your experiences, please.
Whoever receives this will receive an abundance of
unexpected money or some very good news
Forward this to 20 people within 20 minutes of receiving this. continue your try, until you succeed
Millions of people without jobs, but no worries, working at home is the way to go.
"In a short time Scott Richardson was able to make it with a system called "Google Home Income" that saved his life...."
I read a great email a while back. It gave an awesome idea of how to take advantage of those certain emails that we all get 20 a day of, mostly jokes.
You know when you scroll down to the bottom of some emails, you’ll often see a link to HotMail, Yahoo or whoever the webmail provider is? Basically any free email provider will have their ad at the bottom of outgoing emails, right?
Wouldn’t it be cool to have your link there?
It would be fantastic! continue reading
Without wanting to get all Kant about this, I think there’s only one thing wrong with viral marketing, and that is that it doesn’t exist.
I’m not saying that the “viral effect” doesn’t exist. It’s everywhere. The growth of facebook is quite phenomenal for instance. I’m just saying this is not something you put on your marketing schedules. It’s not something where you can add a perceived difference (the monkey falling out of the tree being funny) to what you’re actually marketing.
Just because a phenomnen can be percieved does not necessarily mean that it can (or should) be turned into a type of marketing which is appropriate for any brand. continue reading
By Lore Sjöberg 02.23.09 WIRED MAGAZINE: 17.03
Before You Forward, Read This Flowchart
URBAN LEGEND says this is online since 2000: status = FALSE
INSTANT NOODLEScontinue reading: CANCEROUS FOODS / PRODUCTS Instant Noodles: Humsurfer
Dear instant noodle lovers,
Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of instant noodles before you eat your next packet! Please read the info shared to me by a doctor. My family stopped eating instant noodles more than 5 years ago after hearing about the wax coating the noodles - the wax is not just in the Styrofoam containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant noodles do not stick to each other when cooking.
If one were to examine the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in the market, one will notice that, in their uncooked state the noodles are oily. This layer of oil prevents the noodles from sticking together.
Wanton noodles in their uncooked state have been dusted with flour to prevent them sticking together. When the hawker cooks the noodles, notice he cooks them in hot water and then rinses them in cold water before cooking them in hot water again. This process is repeated several times before the noodles are ready to be served. The cooking and rinsing process prevents noodles from sticking together.
The hawker then "lowers the noodles in oil and sauce to prevent the noodles from sticking if they are to be served dry. Cooking instructions for spaghetti require oil or butter to be added in the water when boiling the spaghetti to prevent the pasta from sticking together. Otherwise, one gets a big clump of spaghetti!
There was an SBC (now TCS) actor some years ago, who at a busy time of his career had no time to cook, resorted to eating instant noodles everyday. He got cancer later on. His doctor told him about the wax in instant noodles. The doctor told him that our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax. There was also an SIA steward who after moving out from his mother's house into his own house, did not cook but ate instant noodles almost every meal. He had cancer, and has since died from it.
Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as " cancer noodles ".
Urban legend says this is half truth
1. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water or Listerine. *H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don't underestimate this simple, inexpensive, and powerful preventative method.
2. Blow the nose hard once a day and swab both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water. This is very effective in bringing down viral population.
3. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamins C and D. If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.
4. Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.
Attention, says a friend's email:
Forward This Funny
Info courtesy: The global menace of forwarders